Friday, 13 August 2010


So for the past few days I've been ill. I had gastric flu, not pleasant. Other than it being physically painful, it's been such a pain because although I've been off work, I've not been well enough at any point to get anything done. This cycle of days and days at my part time job at a time and being distracted by things; illness or otherwise, has left me with little time for anything else, particularly 3DS Max. This is getting to be a big problem as next year's final project is looming. French was going well until this week, but starting tomorrow I will be forcing myself to get back into it, which shouldn't be do hard with how much I've been enjoying it. On a plus side, I got don't great news this week; through my mums contacts at work, I have been commissioned to do an art piece. It's such a good thing that I've been waiting for for so long, actually being paid for doing the thing I love most: drawing. I'm not quite sure of how much to charge but my mum suggested somewhere around 30 pounds per realistic A4 portrait, which is nowhere near professional prices but my work could do with being improved so it's worth the practice alone. Anyway, that was definitely the ego boost I needed haha, it's always nice to hear your work is appreciated. On top of this request I've been told there will probably be a lot more where that came from, so hopefully a steady flow if them should help me through next year if Uni. Not to forget, while I'm mentioning Uni, I'm happy to say that I was accepted onto the extended Masters program fir animation. But even better than that news, it's exactly 5 weeks until I return to Sheffield! Can't wait.


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About Me

Chris Wilson.. artist, tv and film enthusiast and soon-to-be animator.
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