Monday, 25 January 2010

Back to the old drawing board

So I should be going to sleep but I'm gonna keep to this blog-a-day pact i've made with myself.
First of all, i've spent the day still ill and taking various different types of medication seemingly to no avail. Then at around half past 1 I was miraculously recovered. Awesome. I've now been given a new burst of energy and put it into this story i'm writing.

The premise of the story is that in 1980, because of a significant cosmic event, the veil between earth and hell was weakened enough for a split second that demons strong enough to break it managed to spill all hell onto earth. This was promptly stopped but some got through.

The problem for these demons was that when they broke through they needed to immediately take a host body but aften the escape had weakened them significantly so the only body and soul weak enough to take over was that of an unborn child. So on a day in early 1980, an unknown number of demons took their places in the wombs of pregnant women.

Although this had never been done before, the demons believed that they would grow and be themselves immediately at birth buy they were not, they lay dormant, unknowing about their capture for 18 years, slowly releasing evil into the souls of these people, corrupting them.On their 18th birthday, their bodies and souls we no longer that of a child so the demons were released, causing the destruction of the human souls and allowing them to take over.Due to this possession, the humans grew up dysfunctional and often abandoned by their parentsThey decided, rather than cause physical destruction, to work towards jobs high in businesses, politics, governments and other trades and corrupt people through the media etc.

That's what i've set in stone as the background to this series of stories. That and it will be comprised of short stories, structured in the way of a 40 minute Drama television show much like Supernatural or Heroes. I've been researching and have found a way to transfer this across and hopefully it will be a success. I've so far written two chapters and i'm quite happy with them so i'll keep you posted. Also, first lesson of the new semester tomorrow, although I don't imagine i'll enjoy it much with the teaching situation I think i'm going to enjoy getting back to work.

Anyways, now for bed.

Night world.

Sunday, 24 January 2010


So just a quick blog entry. Today was pretty normal, I got a lot of the stuff I wanted to get done until about 2 or 3 hours ago when I started being sick. I'm so ill and really want to get better ASAP.. anyways feeling ill again so I'm off. If I'm better tomorrow i'll blog again then
Saturday, 23 January 2010

Not the best of days

So today i went for that interview for the part time job at a cinema. Would've been awesome with how much I love films but I didn't get it :( It required lots of teamwork and as usual I gave some great ideas and came out with none of the credit. So I've decided to just take charge of things for myself and after downloading an ap for my android installed a program to help me keep up with a list of things, from 3DS Max practice to learning French. I think it will help motivate me but I am really going to struggle without money coming in. Thankfully my parents give me enough for food the government barely help me at all. So although I have no money and somehow still need to save for the summer, I will still have to go out on nights out with friends. I do appreciate their friendship its hard when they all have money to spend on what they want and i can either have alcohol OR things I like :P

Oh well.. I guess I just have to carry on doing what they want, I don't want to lose a friendship just from not getting this job and financial stuff but honestly if I could just get this term over with and get ome good work experience somewhere over the summer I'd be so happy, I just don't think I can work over summer like last time, I need to be doing something career-related now. Might just run away to the US for a couple of months :P I wish...

Anyways night people (well the few who follow this..) hope to see more people following soon :)
Friday, 22 January 2010

Back again and with much more certainty :)

Ok so not so frequent as i'd hoped but now I've got my new Android phone. I'll be able to blog and tweet as much as I want wherever I want :)
Firstly, I have a job interview tomorrow at cineworld.. the best possible part time job for me as I watch movies all the time and if anyone has seen my dvd collection will know tv and film are really important to me. This brings me to my next thing. Since I was really young I've always wanted to work on the games industry and recently after learning more about where my career could go course ends and realising the importance and influence that television and film has to me, that's where I want to go in life. Learn as much as I can about high ploy modelling and eventually move to the US to pursue that area of 3D modelling. I'm really excited about how sure I finally am about my career. Anyways, i'll be back again soon. Night :)

About Me

Chris Wilson.. artist, tv and film enthusiast and soon-to-be animator.
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